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Digital Persona One Touch Delphi Code

Digital Persona One Touch Delphi Code Digital Persona One Touch Delphi Code

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Digital Persona One Touch Delphi Code Publisher's Description

The Digital Persona 1 Touch Software Development Kit enables developers to enhance the security of their applications by allowing them to interface with a Digital Persona U.r.U Fingerprint Reader.

The development kit contains all the components required to integrate this technology into your applications, but, while it offers sample applets for several popular programming languages, such as .NET, VB, C and C++, Delphi is not among them.

Digital Persona 1 Touch Delphi Code is designed to help developers deploy Digital Persona fingerprint scanners in a Delphi application. The code consists of a set of standard procedures and will use the SDK for Delphi, while also offering support for database connections using MySQL, SQLite and Microsoft Access.

The downloadable package contains a single binary executable that serves to demonstrate the software’s capabilities. The application supports fingerprint registration, identification and verification, and all these functions were implemented with Delphi code.

Of course, it is worth noting that the Digital Persona 1 Touch SDK is required if you want to try out the demo application, as an error message is displayed if this component is not installed on your computer.

Additionally, you need to use a Digital Persona U.r.U Fingerprint Reader to enroll your fingerprints. When you click the Register button, the application brings up a wizard that guides you through the process.

Once the fingerprint has been added to the database, you can click the Identify button to have the program verify it. If a match is found, the utility displays a confirmation message.

If you are convinced by the software’s capabilities, you can purchase the source code and use it in your own applications.

What's New in Version of Digital Persona One Touch Delphi Code

The downloadable package contains a single binary executable that serves to demonstrate the software’s capabilities. The application supports fingerprint registration, identification and verification, and all these functions were implemented with Delphi code.

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